Information that new immigrants are most interested in



The topics highlighted here are information that newcomers are mostly likely to learn about:



Social Insurance Number (SIN) 社會保險卡

For new immigrants, one important piece of identification that they will need to start their life in Canada is their Social Insurance Number (SIN) card. You will need the SIN card to work in Canada or access government programs and benefits. For information on getting the SIN card, please clink the following link:

對於新移民來說,在加拿大開始新生活所需的一項重要身份證明是他們的社會保險(SIN) 卡。你需要 SIN 卡才能在加拿大工作或獲得政府的福利。 獲取SIN卡信息,請流覽:


Permanent Resident Card 永久居民(楓葉)卡

Permanent residents (PR) of Canada must carry and present their valid PR when boarding a flight to Canada, or travelling to Canada on any other commercial carrier. If you do not carry your PR card, you may not be able to board your flight, train, bus or boat to Canada.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your PR card is still valid when you return from travel outside Canada, and to apply for a new PR card when your current card expires.

If you are a new immigrant to Canada, you do not need to apply for a permanent resident (PR) card. The Federal Government will mail your card to you when you get to Canada.

For more details about the PR card, please visit:

加拿大永久居民 (PR) 在登上飛往加拿大的航班或乘坐任何其他商業航空公司前往加拿大時,必須攜帶並出示其有效的永久居民身份証。 如果您沒有攜帶永久居民卡,你可能無法登上前往加拿大的航班、火車、公共汽車或船隻。你有責任確保你的 PR 卡在你從加拿大境外旅行返回時仍然有效,並在你當前的卡到期時申請新的 PR 卡。 如果你是加拿大新移民,則無需申請永久居民 (PR) 卡。 當您到達加拿大時,相關聯邦政府部門會將你的卡郵寄給你。 有關PR卡的更多詳細信息,請流覽:


Health Insurance 醫療保險

Canadian citizens and permanent residents can apply for public health insurance. In Ontario, you need to get an Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card.

For more details about the OHIP card, please visit”

加拿大公民和永久居民可以申請公共醫療保險。 在安大略省,你需要獲得安大略省醫療保險計劃 (OHIP) 卡。 有關 OHIP 卡的更多詳細信息,請流覽:


Accommodation 住宿

Finding a place to live is one of the most important tasks for every newcomer. The following are some useful links about finding a place to live in general:

尋找住處是每個新移民最重要的一環。 以下是一些有關尋找一般住所的有用鏈接:

Renting your first apartment or house 租用你的第一套公寓或房子

Buying a home 買屋

Everything you need to buy a home in Canada. 在加拿大買屋需知

You can seek professional real estate agent's assistance to help you find your new home



Getting Around 交通

In order to conduct your daily activities, you need to make multiple trips such as going to work, going to school, shopping or visiting friends. It is especially important for new comers to learn the difference ways to move around in their new environment so that they can carry out their business and life in a convenient manner. The following are different ways you can travel/commute:

在日常活動中,每人都需要進出多次,例如上班、上學、購物或拜訪朋友。 對於新來移民來說,學習在新環境中用不同方式走動尤為重要,這樣你就可以方便地你開你的工作和生活。以下是你可以考慮的不同交通方式:

Drive 駕駛

In order for you to drive your own car, the first thing you will need to do is to get your driver’s license. In Canada, each province and territory issues their own driver’s license.  In the case of Ontario, you need to go to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to learn how to get your driver’s license so that you will be able to drive yourself and your family around

如想自己駕駛汽車,您需要做的第一件事就是獲得駕駛執照。 在加拿大,每個省和地區都頒發自己的駕駛執照。在安大略省,你需要前往安大略省交通廳 (MTO) 去得知如何獲得駕駛執照,以便你可以自己和家人一起開車

Public Transit 公共交通

Every municipality or region provides public transit to help their residents to get around. They can be train, subway, light rail or buses on designated routes and schedules. In Mississauga you can visit Triplinx to find out what bus or train to take and get you to where you want to go in the Greater Toronto Area.

每個城市或地區都提供公共交通以幫助其居民出行。 它們可以是指定路線和時間上的火車、地鐵、輕鐵或巴士。 在密西沙加市,請流覽了解要乘坐的公共汽車或火車,它可以送你前往大多倫多區不同的地方。

Apart from public  transit, you can also call a taxi or use a ride hailing services (e.g. Ulber) to provide you with a door-to-door transport service.

除了公共交通,你還可以叫的士或使用叫車服務(例如 Ulber)為你提供點到點的交通服務。


Education 教育

Canada does not has a national curriculum. Each province is responsible to develop their own education system. In Ontario, the Ontario Ministry of Education is responsible for administering and funding Ontario’s kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools. For historic and legal reasons there are four types of publically funded school districts in Ontario: English public, English Catholic*, French public, and French Catholic.*

*Note a student does not has to be a Catholic to attend a Catholic school in secondary school, but there may be some restrictions at elementary schools.

加拿大沒有全國統一教育課程。 每個省都個別負責展自己的教育體系。 在安大略省,安大略省教育廳負責管理和資助安省的幼稚園、小學和中學。 由於歷史和法律原因,安省有四種類型的公共資助學區:英文公立、英文天主教*、法文公立和法文天主教。


The following links are school related information in Mississauga:

For information on English public schools, please visit:

For information on English Catholic schools, please visit:

For information on French public schools, please visit:

For information on French Catholic schools, please visit:






After successful receiving your secondary school education, students can consider to continue with their post-secondary education. There are different types of post-secondary institutions a student can consider to enroll. They include universities, colleges and institutes. For general information about post-secondary education, please visit:

成功接受中學教育後,學生可以考慮繼續接受大學教育。 學生可以考慮就讀不同類型的高等教育學府。 它們包括大學和學院等。 有關專上教育的相關資信,請流覽:

For new immigrants to improve their English, apart from the formal education system, new immigrants can also enroll in LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) and ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. These classes are usually organized by local non-profit organizations.

For example, the following organizations cater their English classes to newcomers with Chinese background:

為了提高新移民的英語水平,除了正規的教育系統外,新移民還可以報讀LINC(加拿大新移民語言教學)和ESL(英語作為第二語言)課程。 這些課程通常由當地的非謀利組織主辨。



Employment 就業

There are a number of agencies in many communities that help new comers to find a job.


Some jobs (like doctors, nurses, engineers, electricians and plumbers) are regulated or controlled by provincial, territorial and sometimes federal laws. You will need to apply for and have a professional licence before you can work in those fields in Canada

一些工作(如醫生、護士、工程師、電工和水候技工)受省、地區和有時是聯邦法律的監管或控制。 您需要申請並獲得專業執照,然後才能在加拿大的這些領域工作

To get your credentials assessed in Canada, you can visit:



Finance 理財

Banking 銀行

As you arrived in Canada, you can open a bank account to conduct your daily financial activities and business. To find out banks that are conducting business and are regulated by the Federal government, please visit:

抵達加拿大後,你可以開銀行戶口進行日常財務交易。 要得知那些銀行受聯邦政府監管的銀行,請流覽:

Taxation 税務

Residents in Canada pay taxes to support government programs and public services such as health care and education. If you are a Canadian resident, you must file an income tax return every year (usually before April 30) with the Canada Revenue Agency. For more detail about taxation in Canada, please visit:

加拿大居民要納稅以支持政府計劃和公共服務,例如醫療保健和教育等。 如果你是加拿大居民,你必須每年(通常在 4 月 30 日之前)向加拿大稅務局提交報稅表。 有關加拿大稅收的更多資料, 請流覽:

If you need professional assistance to help you with your tax issues, you can seek accounting service from a chartered professional accountant.



Community Services 社區服

Finding a sense of community and belonging will help you feel more at home in your new home in Canada. As a start, you are welcome to join our church. We are your neighbours that are knowledgeable about the community. You can meet new people and make friends. These connections may also further your professional goals by creating a network of people to help you find meaningful life. At the same time, we can offer spiritual and religious support as you are settling in your new environment.

找到社區歸屬感將幫助你在加拿大更快識應新生活。 首先,歡迎你加入我們的教會。 我們是你的鄰居可以幫你加快了解你的新環境。同時, 你可以認識新朋友。 這些聯繫也可能進一步推動你的人生目標. 通過建立人脈網絡可以幫助你找到有意義的生活。 同時,當你在新環境中安頓下來時,我們可以提供心靈和信仰上的支持。

Other than the fellowship and support from the United Church, there are a number of non-profit organizations that can provide newcomers assistance. For more information about these agencies and their services in the Mississauga area, please visit:

除了教會的團契和支持外,還有許多非謀利組織可以為新移民提供幫助。 有關在密西沙加區這些機構及其服務的更多信息,請流覽:


In addition to the above organizations, the following are organizations in the Mississauga area that cater their services specifically to the Chinese community:


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