About Us 關於我們

Our Congregation:

Welcome to the Mississauga Chinese United Church! We are an ethnic church that serves the Chinese community in Mississauga and its vicinity.

Our members are mostly from Hong Kong, but also include individuals from Taiwan, China and South East Asia. Both Cantonese and Mandarin are spoken among our congregation. English is the common language used by our young people. Our worship service is conducted in Cantonese. On the last Sunday of each month, we hold a bilingual inter-generation worship in Cantonese and English.

At present, we share the facilities with our host, Westminster United Church, for our Sunday Service and other activities.

It is our continued mission to nurture the spiritual and social well being of the Chinese community in Mississauga. We walk with God and with one another, to bear witness to Christ through worship, prayer, fellowship and service.


Mississauga Chinese United Church (MCUC) was established in 1990. With the support from the Halton Presbytery and our national church, a core group of six families from the Toronto Chinese United Church residing in Mississauga started the MCUC ministry.

Our first worship was held in portables at the future site of the Westminster United Church. During the construction of the church, we temporarily moved our Sunday services to the cafeteria of Xavier Catholic School. Since the completion of the Westminster United Church building in 1992, we have been conducting our worship services at this location.

With the guidance of God and the immense effort by our brothers and sisters, our congregation has grown in numbers and our ministry expanded. Please click on the Worship and Fellowship link to view all our current programs.

Chinese United Churches in Canada:

The United Church of Canada, through its Division of Ethnic Ministry, embraces and encourages the development of ethnic congregations of diverse cultural backgrounds. Throughout the country, one may find Worship Services conducted by ethnic groups in their own languages and ritual traditions.

In the past 20 years, a large number of Chinese have immigrated to Canada from their homelands of Hong Kong, China and Taiwan. The need for places of worship to meet the spiritual needs of this new group has been ever increasing. The United Church’s Division of Missions initiated the ‘Outreach Ministry to Chinese Immigrants’ program for the faith seekers. Based on a feasibility study in 1989, Mississauga was one of many locations selected for establishing a new Chinese United Church.

Today, Mississauga Chinese United Church is one of the 9 Chinese congregations under the United Church of Canada banner.

Further reading:

Former Chinese Church site in Toronto has ties to African-American history

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